Fuselage September 2007 Updates
September 8, 2007
Battery Cables.... - 2.0 hrs

Today I temporarily mounted the battery and battery box to get the lengths of the battery cables. Next I used a propane torch to put the lugs on the ends and finished them off with heat shrink. They came out nice. You can't tell from the crappy pictures. Looks like I was drunk when I took them.

I pushed some 14 gauge romex in the ends and clipped it off flush to make them tight before I soldered the ends. I got this idea from Dan's site. I guess Bob K recommends this.

This cable is the nice braided copper that is really flexible. This is recommended by B&C Speciality as it creates not stress at the contack points.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.