Fuselage May 2007 Updates
May 14, 2007
More Riveting & NACA Vents - 2 hr

Finished up the last rivets on the aft top skin. Its unreal how many little scratches gets on the skins. I used a sctochbrite pad to even them out. It just looked to ugly with some skins looking really new and others all scrached up.

Next I checked the date on the proseal tube and it was about up so it was time to get the NACA vents installed. I have seen others that did not use rivets and told me they prosealed them in with no problem. I mixed it up by hand in the tube and got out my trusty proseal gun I bought on Ebay a few years ago. Worked like a champ. I used an old paint can lid and duct tape to keep pressure on the vent while the proseal sets up.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.