Fuselage March 2005 Updates
March 27, 2005
F-705 Bulkhead

Started work on the top of the 705. Have to be careful here as there is a 1/2 inch shim that goes under an almost 2 inch plate. I decieded to clamp the shims in place and use the top bulkhead as a backdrill template. Again just carefully marked the shim placement, clamped and drilled. Next I deburred and will do the top plates the same way using the shims as a template.

Continued on with the top plates. I used the shim to backdrill by clamping it down on the top plate. Also used the shim to backdrill the angle bracket that gets riveted to the back edge. The most important thing here is to measure clamp and remeasure. And then make sure its clamped tight so as not to shift during the drilling process. If possible clamping it to a flat surface and cleco as you go.

Time to deburr prime and rivet this beast.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.