Fuselage July 2005 Updates
July 16, 2005
Center Fuselage..... - 6.5 hrs

Well I got up this morning and plan on a full day of building. Kim is coming over later so I need to get the bottom skin dimpled and put in place so we can get started on the riveting. I used the DRDT-2 and again it worked like a champ. Then I went to cleco the skin in place and found that I had not riveted the baggage ribs and seat ribs to the 705 bulkhead so I did that next.

Once I got all that done it was time to rivet. We had a short training class and then got after it. We got the whole bottom completed with only a few mistakes to drill out and redo. Kim did a great job! She ran the gun and I bucked. Time to move on to the tail section.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.