Fuselage January 2007 Updates
January 21, 2006
Aileron Trim and 5th Point.... - 3 hrs

Time to get back to building. Even though the 5th point crotch strap kit is fairly simple and nicely documented it really shows you how much we get spoiled from the match drilled kit. The crotch brackets are predrilled but they have to installed square and then you have to drill matching holes in the floor ribs.

As I got started on this I started looking over the aileron trim docs to see how that would get installed since its in the same area. Then I realized that when I was spending all of that time inserting those little washers on the cross control brace that I was going to need to remove the bolt to insert 2 tabs which connect to springs which hold tension for the trim handle. What a pain this is going to be, however all I had to do was use another bolt to push through the other side install the tab on the bolt and push it back through holding tension on the replacement bolt holding the washers in place. The first one went perfect. The second one got stuck and I just knew it was not going to work and I would be starting all over on that one. But a little jiggling and it finally slid in place.

Now with that out of the way I could get back to the crotch strap bracket. Since I am using Hookers they are thicker than the Vans belts so I had to clamp into place and then sit the floor panel in place to make sure the holes for the plate nuts would work out on edge distance. This proved to be fairly time consuming with trying to get an angle drill in there with such a small area of room. Anyway I finally got the left side done. Now I just have to do that all over again for the right side.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.