Fuselage December 2007 Updates
December 24, 2007
More wiring.... - 3.0 hrs

The only thing left to wire now is the trim and flaps and then power and alternator wires from firewall to the EXPbus.

Today I ran the last few wires and then started the clean up process with tiewraps. I started from the bus side and then realized i had some slack in the middle to get out so I moved to the dropdown panel side and worked back from that side working out the slack in some of the middle wires.

As the bundles come together they stiffen up which makes it easier to keep the bundles in place between the adel clamps.

Last I removed the left and right panel. This is to work on the throttle quadrant. Also will comeup with a bracket to the right of the throttle quad if I can't put the flap switch on the panel.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.