Fuselage December 2007 Updates
December 17, 2007
More wiring.... - 2.0 hrs

Ok I ran some more runs and worked on the flap switch to figure out how to wire it up. Also messed with the trim diagram to figure out the wires for that as well. To figure out wich colors go to each pin I will need to ohm out each wired. 34 all different colors. Fun stuff. Thing is there are multiple of the same color. Mostly the grounds (blk).

I guess the easist way will be to ohm out each wire and label it and then run the easier ones first and eliminate as I go.

I also ran another wire to the dimmer circuit and tested. See James I am working on it even though it doesn't show!

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.