Fuselage August 2007 Updates
August 19, 2007
More Avionics Trays Work.... - 6.0 hrs

Today I brought each harness with me and matched up with the trays to see how much bending of the cables behind the connectors was going to happen. The transponder cable will need to pass thru the subpanel so I need to cut another hole. This is going to make a very thin stip underneath where I am mounting an angle brace for the radio..

Next I drilled the holes for bolts to hold the manifold in place for the engine sensors and test mounted.

Then I mounted the Airgizmo and tested the 296 mount for visibility. Looks great but now I need to check how the audio panel will look.

Last I removed the forward subpanel pieces for hopefully the last time. I drilled the holes and installed anti chaff strips. Now it is time to finish up the brakelines.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.