Fuselage August 2007 Updates
August 12, 2007
Canopy Rails & Panel Frame.... - 3.0 hrs

Didn't get anything done this last week due to traveling to San Francisco for work. Today I wanted to get the canop rails on. I had to go back to Sears and get a 11/32 wrench for the bolts under the canopy decks. It took me almost and hour just to get one side done.

Next I removed the other side and repainted due to a few dings and scratches. When this drives I will install it on the right side.

While the paint dried I worked on the panel some more. I drilled the angles that hold the avionics trays to the panel frame and countersunk for rivets. Also countersunk the remaing holes for the rivets that attach the top strips that connect to the top forward skin.

The last thing will be to drill the trays to the side angles and fabbing up another angle which will run from the top down to the back of the SL40 at an angle to add extra strength and tieing the trays into the entire frame.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.