Finish Kit Update May 2010 Updates
May 31, 2010
Memorial Day 2010.... - 4.0 hrs

First off I want to show the flag I had put up for Memorial Day in my front yard again. This is the 3rd year the boy scounts in the neighborhood have done this for all flag Holidays and this is a big one. We RV builders would not be able to do what we do if it were not for our men and women in the Armed Forces fighting for our freedoms. My dad is one of those folks. He spent 20 years in the Navy during the Vietnam era. Thanks DAD! I love ya!

When I got to the hangar I noticed the Big Johnson Bonanza was still sitting out in front of my hangar. That means Gary is still working on the lifts. After I opened up the hangar and turned on the fan to start airing things out I ran over to check on him. He had all the cables run and was working on hangin the 2nd motor. 10am it is already a smoker.

First off Jim K had figured out my torque numbers since I was using the Hartzell crows foot. Since this thing adds about 4 inches to the wrench you have to do some math. I hope Jim didn't give me the metric numbers...... thats an inside joke since Jim is from Scotland. He figures things in metric better than most can do inches.

Anyway I got the bolts all torqued and then I riveted the armrest braces in place in the cockpit. Next I went back and safety wired the prop bolts. Don't want that thing coming off for sure.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.