Finish Kit Update March 2011 Updates
March 15, 2011
Left Fuel Tank Calibration and AOA switch ..... - 3.0 hrs

Today I calibrated the left wing again. Much better now. It appears I lost a gallon of fuel during the process. I guess thats called unusable fuel eh.

Next I started looking at the geometry of the flap system to see the best route to connect the AOA switch. The AOA system needs to know when the flaps are 30% deployed. I guess there is an algorythem that changes the formula when the flaps are past a certain point.

In any event there is a flap rod that attaches to the motor and 2 that attach to rods that push the flaps down when the rod in front moves up. This switch has 2 connections, normally opened and normally closed. Basically the wire needs to go to ground when the flaps are 30% or more. As such it makes more sense to use the normally closed setting and when the flap rod is going back up and it closes it will really open. Really confused huh.. Anyway so am I.

I made up the little piece of angle to attach with an adel clap to the flap rod. I cut a piece of square tube to allow the switch to be offset inside the flap enclosure. I went to Sears to pick up some small screws that will allow this to get mounted to the tube which will get mounted to the side panel. I will just set the flaps to 30% and turn the switch until it just closes and then mess with the angle piece to keep pressure on the switch but not enough to break it off.

This will all make sense when I take a pic of it installed. Might even shoot a little video. When this is all done and flying when I am on glide slope its the same process that Navy pilots use on an aircraft carrier. You dont even have to look at airspeed just fly the donut and when you approach stall speed a lady comes over the headset and says, "angle angle push". That should wake up the passenger eh.

Man all this little crap takes time. I am ready to go flying!

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.