Engine Update October 2008 Updates
October 26, 2008
Engine Cowling.... - 4.0 hrs

What a day. Another Weatherman Norman Number 10! Not a cloud in the sky. No wind and low humidity.

Today I was going to start on the cowling. First I got the cowl pieces out and washed them down. They had dirt and spider webs on them. Put them out in the sun to dry.

Next I got out the strips I ordered way back for the cam lock install. I measured the bottom of the cowl from the inside cut out for the main grear leg. I came out to 11 inches. I use a cutoff wheel to cut 2 11 inch pieces and match drilled. Deburred and counter sunk.

Next was time for the top. First I marked the center and fit it in place and drilled the center hole. Then I started working my way out. This .063 is what everyone recommends but it is very stiff ot bend in the corners. As I got over by the corners I stopped and removed and deburred and counter sunk to allow the strip to fit better in place. I also took about a 4 inch taper to allow for the compound curve. This is going to take some more work so I stopped for the day.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.