Engine Update June 2009 Updates
June 06, 2009
Cowl and Fab Work.... - 4.0 hrs

Started out the day riveting the camstrips on the sides of the bottom cowl. Standard countersinking using the cage. Tried a suicide test with a fiberglass test piece. Seems to easy to screw it up and go to deep so I stuck with the cage set to the proper depth.

Even then I screwed up 2 holes on holes 3 and 4 of the right side. I mixed up some filler and plugged and set aside to harden. Next I finally got my order in for the gaskets for the FAB to fuel injector. I had marked the holes best I could before. One hole seemed off. I used the gasket to trace the part of the FAB I wanted to cut off to make a nice edge the shape of the injector body.

Turned out one hole was off just a bit so I used the filler to plug the hole and set aside to harden as well. I will redrill tomorrow.

This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.