Empennage January 2005 Updates
January 24, 2005
Garage Cleanup

Well it finally happened. ABF Trucking called today and said the fuse kit will be here on Wednesday. I called my buddy John Herrera to see if he could use his big ASS Diesel truck to help me pick it up. I checked with Van's and there are 3 crates. 365 pounds of fuselage just waiting for me to come and get. So needless to say I had to take a break and get the garage in order for the crates and inventory process.

I will call and confirm on a time for pickup on Wednesday 1/26/2005. I will have pictures as this is a great day. The wings will be coming next. I ordered Quick Build on the wings so this should workout great!

As usual I checked out Dan's website for the usual motivation boost. He had a great new video of a flight to Big Bear. Awesome landing.

Check back on Wed. for the Great Day!


This website was built to document my work in compliance with the FAA requirements needed to certify my aircraft.
My experiences and comments are by no means to be considered as instructions on how to build any aircraft.